Now that it is 2018, we need to look at the big picture and what’s in store for us. For me, big network projects are in the forecast in the near future. I hope your 2018 is bigger than your wildest dreams. I hope mine is as well. The technology we rely on today plays an important role for what we want to accomplish. It’s time to set your goals straight. It’s also time to realize there are bigger forces out there and there is nothing you can do about it. That being said, it’s time to buckle down and focus hard. You can’t win if you don’t play the game. So if you are in the tech field as I am, research, get educated, and get the freedom you deserve. There will always be ups and downs. Don’t sweat the small stuff and trust your instincts. I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2018.

By Tim