Packet Capturing
There was a point when I was doing a lot of packet capturing. 10/100/1000 is pretty easy. 10Gbps good luck, and let me know the best way for that. Any…
my I.T. journey
There was a point when I was doing a lot of packet capturing. 10/100/1000 is pretty easy. 10Gbps good luck, and let me know the best way for that. Any…
copy tftp bootflash: Destination – Image/asr900rsp2-universalk9_npe.03.18.03.SP.156-2.SP3-ext.bin request platform software package install node file bootflash:/Image/asr900rsp2-universalk9_npe.03.18.03.SP.156-2.SP3-ext.bin If you have space issues: request platform software package clean ASR903#copy tftp bootflash: Address or name…
If you have ever messed with a Cisco ASR 920, you’ll know that certain firmware loads have major issues. Symptoms include, the memory rising slowly over time, then peaking around…
There is a storm brewing, that the mainstream doesn’t know about yet. Well, they sorta know, but don’t. Even myself missed the Bitcoin launch, dive and dip, then peak this…
Not my internet, what’s wrong with your internet is the question that needs to be asked. There are many factors to a bad internet experience. Even service providers suffer outages…
Bandwidth is the most important aspect of internet service. How much bandwidth you have will determine how much you can do. In some places the basic internet package is just…