So I ran into this issue last week where a customer could not print using Microsoft SQL Reporting Services through Internet Explorer.  After clicking Print, IE would crash and asked to close the program.  Under the crash details I noticed it was the RSCLIENTPRINT.DLL file causing the fault.  After researching this issue, I do believe an update to the SQL server may get this working, but that also could break more stuff.  Lots of documents on the internet talked about deleting all the RSCLIENTPRINT files in the C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\ folder.  Then copy the to the local machine and extract those contents into the above folder.  After you copy the files, register the DLL with “regsvr32 rsprintclient.dll”.  This did not fix the issue, but was just part of the fix in my case.

The fix:

I copied the from a newer SQL server that I had onsite.  I did the same exact steps as above and voila, printing started working again using SQL Reporting Services.

The real fix would be to make sure your SQL instance is up-to-date.  Easier said, than done.

UPDATE Solution

So while thinking about this issue more, I realized the CAB files were named exactly the same from the newer version of SQL and the older version.  So on the SQL server on renamed both the x386 and x64 CAB files and replaced them with the newer files.  This fixed the issue for everyone.  The original solution above was just for one user and would have had to be done manually for each user.

By Tim